Friday, December 18, 2009

Messing Around in PlayStation Home

So yesterday, I was messing around in PlayStation Home while I was downloading something. When I was, I found some weird pictures.

Look, I know this looks like a regular picture of the Mall. But I'm telling you, there WAS a M-Rated sign in the window!

This guy WON'T STOP STARING! He's a creeper!

This guy's username is ObamaSucks_(something).

This just goes to show how slow my internet is!

Look! It's in the bowling alley too!

Look, it's a face!!

More pictures are to come.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Origin of Zoomguy

This is all to be sure that I was the true creator of Zoomguy.

Ah, Need for Speed: Underground 2. A great game from 2004. I remember getting it. Although I can never remember when I got it. All I know is that when I play a video game that uses a profile name, I would use my real name and if I beat the game I would use a special name. Now, I think Need for Speed: Underground 2 was the first game I ever did this on. I wanted a racer type name. And that's when I made up Zoomguy. I think it was around 2005-2007 I created it. I'm not completely sure. I tried to make up another name, FstrThnU (Faster Than You), but it never really worked, so I stuck with Zoomguy.

Later on, I started using online accounts. When I started I made up a different username for every account. Around this time is when I wanted to get an e-mail. I originally thought to use my first name. But then I remembered how sweet of a name Zoomguy was, so I started using it online. Shortly after, I decided to use Zoomguy as an e-mail. Still some time before a got my e-mail (if you're not noticing, I'm mostly guessing the order of this timeline) I learned the fate of stolen usernames. Usually, I took it cool, but still, you're not always the happiest when your trademark username is stolen. It's even more annoying when the username isn't actually stolen. For example, when I was choosing the URL for my blog, it said that was taken, I checked, it wasn't (click the link to see what I mean). If Zoomguy was taken I would just stick a 53 at the end (or the rare time that's taken, usually when I create an account, erase it and make it again I stick a 537 at the end of Zoomguy).

Then, just recently, a few months ago I was racing online and was driving the track backwards, ramming people in the process, I realized that I loved carnage! That was when Zoomguy Carnage was created. And with it, the initials ZGC (ZoomGuy Carnage. NEVER MAKE THE G A CAPITAL! JUST GOOGLE ZOOMGUY AND SEE ALL THE BAD SPELLINGS!).  I'm just saying with this, that if someone used the name Zoomguy after the 2005-2007 mark, that you might be copying me. If I had the power to copyright something, Zoomguy would be! Just a point. NO COPYING!

Zoomguy(53(7)) i© Copyright 2005-2007 by aec works (if it existed)

See the true Zoomguy at:

Stagevu: Zoomguy
Youtube: Zoomguy537
Trackmania: zoomguy (not capitalized by mistake)
PlayStation Network: Zoomguy53
Runescape: Zoomguy53
Nitto Legends: Zoomguy
Jango: Zoomguy
Delicious: Zoomguy53
Blogger: Zoomguy
And possibly more! But make sure it's the right one!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Coming Soon...

The following is rated eX (eXtreme). Only cool people may view it.

Coming soon to a blogger near you... the story about a person who loved carnage... but his life changed... when he discovered... ba-bum... Blogger Blogger Blogger.

The internet has a new hero, and his name is... ba-bum... ba-bum... ba-bum...

Zoomguy Carnage.

Yes, who knew it would come to this. He was so bored, and the thought of "You should make a blog" jumped in his head, and he finally... gave... in in in.

This, um, before Christmas... come read...

The ZGC Blog!
Visit to view it.

© 2009 aec works

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Last Updated: 2/7/2012