Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. So I'll go through a list of what I did:
December 18th: This was when I last posted. The school and church banquet was today.
December 25th: Christmas, duh. The main gift I got was Gran Turismo PSP.
December 26th: Got a $50 PSN Card and bought LBP Water (awesome!) and Final Fantasy VII (sweet game!).
December 28th: Using my card, I got Flower, PJ Shooter and more LBP stuff.
December 31st: Got ModNation Racers Beta (horrible beta, great game) with only 10 days left. :(
January 4th: Went back to school.
January 11th: ModNation Racers Beta expired. :'(
January 18th: Got a 16GB card for my PSP and with it, Beats (my PSN Card is now empty). The card still has 2.4 GBs left!
January 25-28: Exams.
And that's what I did mostly.
I also took some more PS3 pictures.
Top Right: It's a walking flower with a Paintinator.
Bottom Left: Lol! I'm Mr. Bean!
Bottom Right: Getting ready for water!
Today, aec made it to LittleBigPlanet. And who knows? It might just be the new aec icon.
ModNation Racers
I also attempted to make SpikeMan but I didn't get a picture of him yet.
The game was supposed to come February 2nd, but I don't think it will.
Not only am I excited for ModNation Racers, but I'm also excited for the new Tobymac CD which comes out February 9th.
I hope to post back soon. See ya!