Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekly Video 10/31

Sorry I missed last week's video, so I'll include 2 videos this week.

Since there are a lot dumb Kinect commercials on now, let me show you how much Kinect failed at E3 2009.

And to show how epic the PlayStation Move is, here's a Kevin Butler commerical.

Oh, and have a retarded Halloween.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekly Video 10/17

Here's this week's video.

I have nothing to tribute a video to, so I'll just show you this funny video. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekly Video 10/10

I'm keeping this weekly video thing going, so here's this week's video. It's a GMod series I found.

Note: This video has content not recommended for those under 14.

Enjoy! And Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thank You Readers!

Today, I'd like to give a big thanks to the ZGC Blog readers. The ZGC Blog has hit over 200 views, with 109 views alone in September!

As a thank back, I'm gonna try to bring back the stuff of the week except it'll be a video or something else of the week.

This week is a video from the LittleBigPlanet 2 Beta, in memory of the release date of November 16th. Now it will sadly be released January 18th, 2011. Enjoy!

And again, thank you readers!!
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Last Updated: 2/7/2012