Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekly Video 10/17

Here's this week's video. Ever heard of  Rémi Gaillard? No? (or yes, I can't read minds) He's a French dude who goes around and basically ticks people off. It's super funny. Here's one now:

Also, I've posted some more Uncharted 3 plays on my YouTube Channel. You can watch them there or on this separate playlist I made. Anyways, I'll see you later!

Friday, October 14, 2011

First Concert

Today, I went to my first concert. Probably because I'm the kinda of guy who usually only go to concerts if I like and listen to the artist, and not just have heard them. Anyways, it was a Tobymac concert! It was awesome, but I had some girls behind me screaming (why do people scream at concerts?). Anyways, it's getting late. I'll probably post the weekly video in a day or two (like I said, probably).

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly Video 10/09

Sorry I haven't posted recently, but you know how it's been. School starting again, or was it just laziness? Anyways here's this week's video.Ever seen the Windows 1.0 commercial? I've been trying to install Windows 3.1 on my computer. The download was only 8 MBs and it takes up 7 floppys.

Also I've been playing the Uncharted 3 Subway Experience (even though it's not in Canada) and it has a upload to YouTube feature and I've been posting some cool plays on my channel. Here's one now.

Enjoy! I hope to post more soon. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!
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Last Updated: 2/7/2012