
Who is Zoomguy?

The following will go on forever. Last updated: 05/12/2010

Zoomguy is an ordinary person who goes to an ordinary school and does ordinary things and writes ordinary things on his blog and lives in an ordinary house and has an ordinary family and has ordinary friends and lives in an ordinary town in an ordinary country and lives on an ordinary planet in an ordinary galaxy. No, Zoomguy is Zoomguy. He's an awesome person who lives in a gay world. He wishes school didn't have the gayest people in the universe who didn't listen to the gayest music in the universe who talk about the gayest things in the universe. Zoomguy wishes people could treat him how people treat him online, where they can't judge a person by their looks but how good they are at games and how friendly they are. Zoomguy wishes to create the awesome company aec (advanced electronics company). aec creates computers and media players that do the best things ever. The Port-S is the media player that fits in your pocket and can do anything. The Aeon HD is the first portable device with a HD 720p screen! The iPad was Zoomguy's idea, but it doesn't compare to any aec touch devices! Zoomguy is 100% Canadian and Christian.

Enough of Akorn and Stupid Britney! Justin Beiber can suck a beaver!!  Enough of people stealing my username! My school sucks eggs! It smells like being inside a group of people sweating their butts off and they don't even know what deodorant is. And, one's peed on the floor, while another threw up. Enough of the fags and the stupid techies! Those techies probably need technical support to know how to log in! Ha techies, suck that! CoD sounds like a fishing game!

Whatever, see this post: The Origin of Zoomguy to find out more about Zoomguy and find out how he got that awesome name!

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