Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer is Here

Helllooooo summer! Yep, it officially started for me on Wednesday. Gotta love, no school for 2 whole months, yeah it's pretty pathetic if you think about it, but its better than a couple weeks.

There's probably been some news going around that DTC5 is coming. Yeah, it is, we've got all the footage, but I'm having trouble getting it finished because my computer wasn't made to edit HD video. Every time I try to edit now, it'll crash. So I have no idea when it's gonna be here. Unless I got an insane amount of cash somehow for a new computer, I could probably have it complete in a few days. Sorry.

In other news, the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta is awesome! Quickly grab your free 30 days of PlayStation Plus before Sunday when it's all gone and get the beta. It's awesome!

So I think it's about time for a weekly video, or 2.

Have a great summer!!!

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